Evidence some Earth life has extraterrestrial origins
Evidence some Earth life has extraterrestrial origins

Example of how the discussion board and subforums might be organized.

Created a few forums and topics to give you some idea of what’s possible. Adding more will be coordinated with department heads. It won’t look like much until people start using it, populating the forums with new topics and users.

Each forum can have its own moderators and admin permissions, with different access for registered users and public “guests.”

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[Sticky] Policy Council Website Ideas discussion, cont'd

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Len S
Admin Admin
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 4
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Pasted from shared Policy Council Discussion 01_16_2024.docx as a Blockquote:




Monthly Calendars – Set up by school location.

Family Service Newsletter

Contact information for Family Service Staff

Locations of Schools and administrative office.

Recorded Events, i.e., Smart Money Management, other workshops.

Parent & Child activities, especially during holiday breaks and summer, Downloadable PDF’s

Links to the local libraries

Social activity links

Community Outreach Activities

Parent Portal to include – Alerts in case of emergency or inclement weather.

Letters to parents re: their child

Weekly lesson plan

Talking points

Parent suggestions

Reports on absenteeism

Submit forms, i.e., doctors notes, appointments.

All looks doable, few quick questions:

  • How many school locations will need calendars?
  • How many - and which, if you know now - WJCC-CAA staffers will be creating the content(text and photos) of recorded events and community activities, etc?
  • How many approx. teachers and/or teacher aides would need publishing permissions in the Parent Portal?

Looks like some of the things listed under Parent Portal include info that can be public, not protected behind logins, privacy laws, or in otherwise private areas of site. Help me determine what info parents need to be required to log in or visit certain pages and areas of the site to view or accomplish.


Branding and the overall look and feel will be added and tweaked during development, prior to going live to public, after installation under the main wjcc-caa.org website, which will then be new, on new server. – Len