Evidence some Earth life has extraterrestrial origins
Evidence some Earth life has extraterrestrial origins

Evidence grows on extraterrestrial origins of Earth life.

Still more compelling evidence:
Other than its unfortunate headline, “We’re all aliens… how humans began life in outer space“, this new article from Steve Connor at The Independent is a compendium of a few of the highlights of our favorite subject here at CosmicSeed.  Rather than being an announcement about 1 particular new discovery, it presents a well-rounded but all-to-brief overview of scientist’s opinions focusing on ammonia, nitrogen, and organic molecules from meteorites.

Charles Darwin solved the mystery of life’s wondrous diversity with his theory of natural selection. But even he was flummoxed by the ultimate mystery of mysteries: what led to the origin of life itself?

In trying to answer the problem, scientists have turned to the stars, or at least the “builders’ rubble” of meteorites and comets left over from the formation of our solar system some five billion years ago. These space rocks, they believe, could help to explain why life began here on Earth.

In fact, a growing body of evidence is now pointing to deep space as the possible source of the raw materials that formed the building blocks of life. The latest study, which focused on a class of meteorites that fell on to the Antarctic ice sheet, also suggests that life’s origins may have been extraterrestrial.

An analysis of the meteorites has revealed that these rocks can be induced, under high pressures and temperatures, to emit nitrogen-containing ammonia, a vital ingredient for the first self-replicating molecules that eventually led to DNA, the molecule at the heart of all life.

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